
This show combines innovation and art, the two concepts that are integral to Crystal Group’s DNA (link to our values page)!
We are very proud to participate in this immersive experience through the installation of our water and fire effects (1 XXL “Pixel Fall” water curtain, 10 water jets and 10 flames).

A few figures :

  • 6-day installation
  • 1 8-person team on-site working with the performers during rehearsals to match our technical installations with the magic of the show’s various acts.
  • 20 linear metres and 1,712 solenoid valves for our Pixel Fall that appears in 4 of the show’s scenes.

Pixel Fall

Each rehearsal was used to meticulously adjust the installation’s programming. In fact, it was a matter of finding the right rhythm between the artists and the water curtain’s opening and closing effects.
After a few initial splashes in rehearsal, the dancers now stay dry throughout the show!